IPD offers quality and reliable engine overhaul repair parts. Since 1955 IPD has manufactured and distributed a comprehensive line of heavy-duty engine repair component, including pistons, liners, piston rings, bearings, gasket sets, installation parts, bushings, camshafts, connecting rods, valvetrain components, oil and water and oil pumps. IPD parts are thoroughly re-engineered from OE parts to ensure that the highest-level specifi cations are developed and maintained. IPD is known for carrying engine replacement parts for Caterpillar, Cummins, Detroit Diesel and Waukesha applications.

In the last year IPD began offering cryo-treated head bolt kits for Caterpillar’s C15 and C3500 engines. Adding cryo bolts to the head bolt kit results in longer bolt life with less internal stress and optimized tensile strength. Cryogenic heat treatment is a precisely engineered process of taking materials down to approximately -310 degrees F, keeping them at that temperature in liquid nitrogen to remove residual stresses, and then ramping temperature back to room temperature, followed by a mild heat treatment process. These bolts are made and cryo-treated in the U.S.