Robert Allan Ltd.

Michael S. Fitzpatrick, Robert Allan Ltd.
Robert Allan Ltd. is Canada’s most senior consulting naval architecture and marine engineering fi rm, fi rst established in Vancouver, B.C. in 1930, with an international reputation for innovative designs of a wide range of vessels for service in the marine transportation industry. In particular, it has earned a reputation as a leader in harbor and seagoing tugs, shallow draft towing vessels and fi reboats for major world ports.
Robert Allan Ltd. has extensive in-house computational fl uid dynamics (CFD) expertise in performing detailed hydrodynamic performance simulations utilizing a powerful and continually upgraded high performance computer cluster. This capability enables the fi rm to deliver quick and accurate solutions at a lower cost than model tanks or external consultants. This in-house capability also allows for highly effi cient design optimization.
Earlier this year, Robert Allan Ltd. introduced a trio of battery-electric, zero-emissions 70t BP ElectRA 2800 harbor tugs for HaiSea Marine’s tug fl eet. With clean hydroelectric power available from the local grid, these tugs’ generous battery capacity of up to 6,102 kWh will allow them to perform a majority or perhaps even all missions on battery power alone, demonstrating the exciting potential of leveraging battery technology to realize near complete elimination of CO2 and other potentially harmful exhaust emissions from harbor tug operations.
In addition, a new fl eet of innovative diesel/battery electric pushboats for Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. have recently begun construction in Belov Engenharia Shipyard, in Salvador, Brazil, to a RAL RApide 2000-E design. The vessels— expected to be the world’s fi rst battery electric shallow draft pushboats—will provide terminal assistance on the Amazon River system, with delivery of the first vessel in 2022.