The Shearer Group, Inc.

A premier naval architecture fi rm with focus on the inland marine industry, The Shearer Group, Inc. (TSGI) has led the industry with several signifi cant z-drive towboat designs, diesel electric with energy storage ferry designs, dredges, dump scows, and innovative projects like liquefi ed natural gas (LNG) fueled vessels. TSGI naval architects are intimately familiar with the current ABS rules and U. S. Coast Guard regulations for barges and towboats, and the company utilizes state of the art computer modeling and design tools in concert with time honored design practices to develop innovative and functional designs.
TSGI’s marine engineering practice focuses on the design of new vessels, but its engineers also work on repowers, vapor control systems, and mechanical and electrical upgrades. TSGI also offers marine surveying and construction oversight services. These services can be in support of new construction projects, modifi cations, regularly scheduled dry dockings or more comprehensive maintenance periods.
The firm specializes in inland workboats, including ferries, towboats, dredges, drydocks, marine construction equipment, dump scows and tank barges. After providing a new design for Texas Department of Transportation for a new 495 passenger, 70 car diesel-electric with energy storage ferry, TSGI has been subsequently tasked to provide construction oversight and project management services for TXDOT for this ferry. TSGI was contracted by National Maintenance & Repair to design the 70-foot towboat, Dwain Harper, which featured a retractable pilothouse. TSGI was also contracted by Superior Marine to design the motor vessel Tri-State, which was delivered to Marathon Petroleum. Other projects include a set of four caustic soda barges, designs for two drydocks, service life extension projects for three dredges, and feasibility studies for conversions of a line haul towboat to LNG as a fuel.