
HydroComp, Inc. in Durham, N.H. was established in 1984 to provide engineering tools to develop ships, boats, and other marine vehicles – and their propellers – more effi ciently and responsibly. Leading the industry in applied hydrodynamics and propeller design for more than 35 years, HydroComp expertise in performance analysis, offering design tools and consultancy services that guide designs toward responsible, effi cient vessel operations. The Vessel-Propulsor-Drive system model is the foundation of optimized performance via the industry’s gold-standard tool for Speed/Power Prediction, Operational Energy Analysis, and Propulsion System Sizing. HydroComp’s fl agship product NavCad, and now PropElements, provides ship operators and their designers worldwide, with tools to determine their carbon footprint, identify fuel-effi cient systems, and in the mitigation of underwater radiated noise. HydroComp Propeller Tools; PropCad and PropExpert, offer commercial systems for propeller design for manufacture and propeller application sizing.
HydroComp continues to evolve with the needs of the maritime community. Through its broad range of technical services to companies large and small, coupled with a progressive internal research and design program, the company is able to offer technical services that are at the cutting edge of contemporary knowledge and expertise. HydroComp is often called upon for assistance with inland river craft and pushboats, and due to this increased need, it has further developed its products and services to specifi cally address hull form optimization, determining bow wave height and underwater hull clearance.