Marblehead, Mass. based RIBCRAFT is the only boat builder specializing exclusively in building professional grade rigid infl atable boats (RIBs). Serving all commercial markets; from military agencies and state and local governments to safety professionals, private industry and nonprofi ts, RIBCRAFT vessels are available from 15 feet to 41 feet, and built to order in the United States.
RIBCRAFT has delivered thousands, specializing in building mission specifi c patrol and rescue boats, tactical and special operations, support and workboat vessels, dive boats, and USCG Certifi ed passenger for hire vessels. RIBCRAFT designs and builds RIBs to meet the emergent requirements of military and government agencies with current contracts with the U.S. Navy and California Department of Fish & Wildlife. RIBCRAFT remains dedicated to building rescue and patrol boats for First Responders with recent deliveries and awards for departments all over the country.