United States Marine, Inc.

Headquartered in Gulfport, Miss., with a maintenance/ repair facility in Chesapeake, Va., United States Marine Inc. is a fully integrated manufacturer of military, patrol and special warfare boats available in lengths from 21 feet to 90 feet. The company is capable of designing, building, and testing all of its vessels in house. USMI has been delivering to U.S. Department of Defense and government/military customers from more than three decades with a track record that speaks for itself. “Quality is defi ned by the customer, and in the DoD world that is defi ned by a specifi cation, scope of work and CDRLs [contract data requirements list],” says Barry Dreyfus Jr., CEO. “Our documented history of zero defects at the start and end of acceptance trials gives the government assurance we can deliver upon our obligations.”
The shipbuilder, whose main Gulfport facility has a certifi ed ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System for the Design and Fabrication of Watercraft for Military Applications, recently secured a $108 million, fi ve-year, indefi nite-delivery, indefi nite-quantity contact to build Combatant Craft Assault vessels to support U.S. Special Operations Command missions globally. The CCA is also the fourth USMI-designed craft to be awarded the David Packard Excellence in Acquisition Award (including two from USSOCOM) over the last 25 years, Dreyfus says. The award recognizes organizations, groups and teams that have demonstrated exemplary innovation using best acquisition practices that achieve acquisition excellence in DoD.
In addition, USMMI’s Naval Special Warfare Rigid Infl atable Boat, in production since 1998, continues to be a go-to craft for special forces around the world. The builder reports a signifi cant backlog for the NSWRIB for the coming years.